Youth bowls takes flight in Despatch

Bowls continues to find new fans as more and more youth programmes and initiatives emerge around the country. In focus this week is one such programme running at Despatch Bowling Club in the Eastern Province.

As the spotlight shines on youth during the month of June, the action amongst young bowlers in Despatch and Uitenhage has actually been well underway long before the midway point of 2024.

Under the guidance of Arthur Langley, BSA Executive member, there has been a real surge on Fridays at the club with many new bowlers trying out the game.

“It’s been great to see,” says Langley.

“You know, we kind of just started to see who might come down on a Friday afternoon and roll up and see if anyone was interested.

“But it’s progressed far past that … the game, as we all know, is ready to grab your attention. We have seen a lot of youngsters coming and even bringing their friends.

“It’s been great to see.

“And obviously, the spin-off has been that some of their parents have also gotten onto the greens and enjoyed the game.”

Most bowlers know that all it takes is a couple of tries and one or two bowls close to the jack for someone to get hooked regardless of age.

“It’s such a brilliant game … and it’s wonderful that more youngsters are giving it a go. There is the skill level but also the strategy and that’s on top of all the great friends yo can make,” adds Langley.

“We’ve also been well supported by Drakes Pride thanks to Rudolph Killian who made a number of sets available. But such has been the interest, we might even need to ask for more.”

Langley’s help in driving the game in a younger age demographic is just one of many around the country.

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