Protea Panashe stamps her mark on BGN Singles

Panashe Ziramba has quickly worked her way up the bowls ladder and her rise seemingly knows no limits.

Ziramba, who recently won the BGN Open Singles title, might be just 24 years old but that is just one of the impressive numbers in her short bowling career.

The Harlequins BC member started playing in March 2021 and admits to finding the game harder than it looks.

“I went down to the side of the greens a few years ago to support my brother,” says Ziramba.

“I’ll confess … the game looked easy but looks were deceiving because when I tried it for the first time it was much, much harder.”

Clearly, the learning curve wasn’t as steep for Ziramba because in the three years that followed she has played herself into some of the biggest stages there are in the game.

A call-up to the BSA Gold Squad in 2022, Zirambe made headlines when she teamed up with Ernst Wagner to win the BGN Mixed Pairs in 2023. The duo clicked and won bronze in the BSA Mixed Pairs later in the same season.

Those podium finishes went nicely with her silver in the BGN Masters in 2023.

The young star rightly earned her selection to the African States squad that did duty in Namibia and returned with two bronze medals.

“I have to credit Leone Du Rand. My first coach in the game and with her input, I think she put me on this path.”

Winning a major competition - the BGN Open Singles - has left Ziramba with a mixture of emotions.

“It’s a big achievement with BGN being such a strong district. I won’t lie, it was a bit surreal to be left standing as the champion.

“It took everything inside of me to get over the finishing line. I had to really put my fears and feelings aside and bet big on myself.

“I’m grateful to have completed the task. It will live with me forever.”

Ziramba, like most young bowlers, has grand ambitions and is ready to build on the solid foundation.

“My next goal will have to be a gold medal in the Commonwealth 2026 or 2030.

“It won’t be easy to make the team for starters. But I have my goals and I am willing to put in the hard work to get there, however long it takes.”

Ziramba has age on her side and clearly has an appetite for success.


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