“What a tournament” - Murphy

By Emma Murphy

After arriving in a very cold and icy Glasgow, Kwa and myself were put straight to the test.

Most of the players in the competition we played against already had some kind of international experience, whether that be the Commonwealth Games or World Bowls Championships, but we didn't let this stop us.

We played our hearts out and definitely left an impression. South Africa will be back. 

Although the results might not have gone our way, it was an amazing first international competition for us both.

We made friends and met people that we will remember for the rest of our lives. We both learnt a lot about ourselves and our games, and I'm sure it will all be put into play back on the greens in SA. 

All of this would not have been possible without the support for our manager and coach Susan Nel, Bowls South Africa and everybody else back home that supported us. Thank you once again for the privilege of representing you all in Scotland.


2023: The Year in Review


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